[ Aurkezpena gelditzea ]

"Europe is interconnected with paths. Let's discover Europe on the bicycle!"

PhotoWettbewerb.jpeg Europe for me, is the glimmer of light at the end of our world's dark tunnelDiapositibakEurope for me, is the glimmer of light at the end of our world's dark tunnelDiapositibakEurope for me, is the glimmer of light at the end of our world's dark tunnelDiapositibakEurope for me, is the glimmer of light at the end of our world's dark tunnelDiapositibakEurope for me, is the glimmer of light at the end of our world's dark tunnelDiapositibak

"Europe is interconnected with paths. Let's discover Europe on the bicycle!"

L'Europa è connessa da percorsi, scopriamola in bici!

Europa ist verbunden von Wegen. Lasst uns Europa auf dem Velo entdecken!

L'Europe est interconnectée par ses sentiers. Découvrons l'Europe à vélo!